The birthday of India’s first vice president Dr. S. Radhakrishnan is celebrated as “Teachers day.” He was fond of teaching.
            In our vidyalaya also the glorious day teachers’ day was celebrated. The programme was planned by students of class XII. First of all students of class XII presented themselves in the role of teachers and taught the students. In the afternoon games were organized for teachers which was too much enjoyable.
           At evening time a cultural programme was prepared by students of class XII. The very first presentation given by Ku. Prachi Shreesvastav in the form of a melodies song ‘ Kripa banae rakhna’. After that Ma. Maharshi was called to share his experience as a teacher then Ku. Upma Gautam was invited on stage to share her views. After  that PGT Hindi Mr. S. Shukla  was invited to give brief sketch of Dr. Radhakrishnan. Then TGT English Mr. Vimal Yadav was called to share his experience as a teacher. After this Coconuts, the symbol of gratitude were presented along with a beautiful gifts by students of class XII. At the last moment of  progarmme principal madam was invited to put her views about the programme. The programme was ended with a dance of students and teachers. Anchoring was  performed by Ma. Vikrant Pandey &  Ku. Pallvi. Music system was arranged by Ma. Anand Shana.


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